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Hieroglyphics X Erratic // California Donuts X Erratic

Posted by E R R A T i C on

Erratic teams up with the amazing Los Angeles based, California Donuts, with this exclusive design... D.R.E.A.M. aka Donuts Rule Everything Around Me  and if you have a sweet tooth as well, they probably Rule Everything Around you too.  =) Check them out and stop by the shop ---> @CaliforniaDonuts        =================H===I===E===R===O==================   In continued celebration of 20 years of great music and friendship we have teamed up with CA (Oakland) based hip hop group HIEROGLYPHICS to bring two new Hiero-inspired designs. The first is a take on Erratic's ever-popular "CA All Day" design, customized with Hiero Stickers in...

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